Cloud Native Strategy

A Cloud Native strategy will reveal how to connect your engineering capabilities to your business vision.

Using a piecemeal approach we help you build a strong Cloud Native foundation so that you can build what you need, as you need it, with limited risk.

Cloud Native Assessment (CNA)

An in depth, light-touch, holistic assessment on organisational, cultural, technical infrastructure and development practices. It is designed to uncover all relevant factors and provide a roadmap to the next steps.

Production Readiness Review (PRR)

We take stock of your systems and measure how ready they are for users, SRE, customers… anything. The review will result in your reliability score: a metric you can use to understand and benchmark the stability of your systems, and ultimately how production-ready they are.

Technical Assessment

We design a technical review according to your infrastructure and organisational requirements. We do a deep technical analysis of how your software is built, packaged and released to uncover how to make your platforms more reliable, scalable and sustainable.

Case Study

A proof of concept can help a company reduce risk when undertaking a big project.

Discover how Container Solutions helped Bell Mobility investigate its options

Cloud Native Maturity Matrix
(or 'How Cloud Native is your Organisation?')

Whether you’re just starting our in the middle of a stalled transformation, the Cloud Native Maturity Matrix will reveal your gaps, need state and next steps. It considers software, organisational, cultural and strategic contexts.

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